About Me

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My name is Jaron "Hiro" Schneider. I am a chef, photographer, writer, historian, but most of all I am a true believer in the wonders of tradition and the beauty that lies in the differences among cultures. Welcome to a seat behind my mind's eye. I'm ready for an adventure. You in?

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Meet the Crew

Hey again everyone,

Before I start the real juice of my writing, I wanted to first introduce you to the friendly group that managed to put up with me during our Italian excursion. It takes a lot to keep your head when I'm constantly stopping either for food or for a photo.

Patrick Stumbaugh
Pat has been a valued friend for a few years now. Excellent cameraman and manager of finances. He makes sure that I keep to my budget which, trust me on this one, is pretty difficult. He enjoys long walks on the beach, mint chip ice cream, and ecclectic music. A bit of a picky eater (mostly in regards to cost), though he will deny it, so I have to be choosy about my meals around him. A best friend to the end, this trip would be pretty empty without Pat by my side.

Alissa Cowan
Her last name pronouced like the animal "cow", Alissa is a bundle of happiness splashed with some of the bizarre. She knows when to crack a joke and make sure we are all in high spirits. Her weakness? White chocolate. Her job was making sure that we stopped for a snack every couple hours. Of course, this was incredibly valuable to me, since I am a lover of food. Also a bit of a picky eater, straying away from the more outlandish cuisine and leaving that to me (a task I freely accept). She also will tend not to finish larger dishes of food, a perfect companion as I am always happy to oblige. 

Suzanne Stiso
Preferred to be called Suzi, this cutie can be described as pretty much the nicest person you have ever met. Essentially just along for the ride, she makes sure there is never a dull moment. If there is anyone to get hurt on this trip, it is Suzi and she has made sure that we know that firsthand many a time. As a vegetarian, if she needs to eat she already has limited options. But she is a lover of all manner of cheeses and mushrooms, so she is good in my book.

So, why do I surround myself with such picky eaters you might ask? That's an excellent question and when I think of a witty answer I will get back to you. Until then, these are my friends and trusted companions. Now that you know the crew, I think we can begin.

Until next time,

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